Call for Self-Nominations for PLMA At-Large Director Positions Ends October 6

Self-nominations are now being accepted from PLMA At-Large Representatives to run for election for one of up to five positions as a PLMA At-Large Director for the Fall 2023 - Fall 2025 term. If you plan to seek election, please complete the At-Large Director Nomination Form. The form requests that you include a brief statement of your qualifications, your goals for the organization, and initiatives that you want to champion. Self-nominations will be accepted through Friday, October 6, 2023. You must be signed in as an At-Large Representative to access the nomination form. if the link does not work, cut and paste this url into your browser:

PLMA seeks nominations from At-Large Representatives to be At-Large Directors. All At-Large Directors' (see roster at terms expire at the conclusion of the 48th PLMA Conference. Up to five (5) At-Large Directors will be elected to a two-year term with no term limits by current At-Large Representatives in good standing.

Job Description.  At-Large Representatives from all Associate-level and Academic-level member organizations have the opportunity to elect At-Large Directors to serve as voting members of the PLMA Board of Directors.  The current At-Large Directors and Board of Directors are listed at  PLMA (traditionally) has two "in-person" meetings of the Board each year, the first being the evening before the Spring Conference and the second one being the evening before the start of the Fall Conference. Although it is rare, PLMA does infrequently have an all board conference call or email that requires your member input/vote. Board members will have advanced notice of the timing and subject matter for either of these as they occur. PLMA’s Officers and Executive Committee provide on-going oversight for PLMA, then present recommendations to the entire board for final decisions. The Officers and Executive Committee members are listed at  Board policies can be accessed online at  

Nomination Process. Any PLMA  At-Large Representative of an Associate-level or Academic-level member organization in good standing may self-nominate. If someone other than the  At-Large Representative from a PLMA member organization wishes to self-nominate, they must become the designated  At-Large Representative for their organization.

Election Process. The At-Large Director election will be conducted electronically before the Board meeting takes place on November 1. Candidates will be invited to record a brief statement for a Meet the Candidates webcast to be produced for At-Large Representatives in October. The Election Policy and By-laws are posted behind your member password at

Jenny Roehm
Executive Committee and Election Officer

Primary Contact: Rich Philip, Executive Director, PLMA, [email protected]; (317) 691-8443