PLMA Interest Groups & Planning Groups

About PLMA's Leadership Groups 

PLMA's Leadership Groups Graphic

PLMA's programming and content is advanced by the efforts of its Affinity, Interest, and Planning Groups, listed below. The Interest and Affinity Groups generally host scheduled meetings, gatherings, workshops, or discussions at each PLMA conference, while the Planning Groups work year-round to facilitate ongoing PLMA initiatives.

Opportunities to Participate in the Affinity and Interest Groups:
Everyone is welcome to attend the Affinity and Interest Group gatherings, which are generally held on the Monday of each PLMA conference. PLMA members are also invited to the Interest and Affinity Groups' HOT TOPIC Conversations (webinars) which are scheduled throughout the year. 

At this time, PLMA's Affinity and Interest Groups are not able to add volunteers. However, if you do want to volunteer with PLMA, we have several Strategic Taskforces that will be seeking participants at the 50th PLMA Conference in November 2024, and going into 2025 also.

Opportunities to Co-Chair a Group:
Opportunities to fill a co-chair position for each of these groups come up throughout the year and are open to all PLMA member practitioners. New co-chairs are generally invited by PLMA staff and leadership, based on their level of interest and participation in PLMA. All prospective co-chairs provide a bio and statement of interest which the Executive Committee reviews before approving their addition to an Interest or Affinity Group.

Click on the links below for more information about each group:   

Affinity Groups

Women in Demand Management Interest Group
Co-chaired by Denise Munoz of Commonwealth Edison, Erica Keating of Southern California Edison, and Michaela Lewin of Uplight, this Group seeks to identify interest in networking, mentoring, and presentation opportunities that provide increased connection between demand response professionals and exposure to women in positions of leadership in member organizations.

Interest Groups

Commercial and Industrial Load Flexibility Group
Co-chaired by Bruce Brazis of Arizona Public Service, Vasudha Lathey of Olivine, and Tom Roberts of IGS Energy, this Group addresses the opportunities and challenges for the commercial and industrial sector to further participate in load shifting and shaping activities.

Connected Devices Interest Group
Co-chaired by Derek Kirchner, TRC Companies, Vanessa Richter, Oracle Opower, and Ross Tomlin, Austin Energy, this Group examines the costs and benefits of all types of utility-sponsored programs that leverage connected device technology to deliver the demand response, energy efficiency, or other system benefits.

Customer Engagement Interest Group
Co-chaired by Rebekah Grant, Baltimore Gas and Electric; Ana Villarreal, Commonwealth Edison; Leigh Winterbottom, ICF; and Lea Lupkin, Sense, this Group addresses key areas of customer engagement for demand response programs.

Global Load Management Interest Group
Co-chaired by Jon Hilowitz, Orange and Rockland Utilities; Ross Malme, Malme Energy Consulting; Michael Brown, Berkshire Hathaway NV Energy; and Scott Coe, GridOptimize, this group brings together members who are interested in developing new activities for PLMA members from outside of North America and to connect with international energy companies and technology providers interested in the work of PLMA.

Retail Pricing Interest Group
Co-chaired by Jordan Folks, Opinion Dynamics; Tara Bolen, Duke Energy; Michael Pirro, GridX; and Mahayla Slackerelli, Calpine Community Energy, this group addresses a wide variety of rates and program types, relative to continued AMI rollouts, Customers adopting distributed generation, Customers purchasing connected appliances (Internet of Things), and Regulators pushing for pricing reform.

Electric Transportation Interest Group
Co-chaired by Kessie Avseikova, Opinion Dynamics; Meghan Jennings, Rappahannock Electric Co-op; Katie Parkinson, Apex Analytics; and Marwa Chowdhury, Central Hudson Gas & Electric. This group addresses the growing popularity of electric transportation and its impacts on demand response, grid reliability, and beneficial electrification.

Utility Load Management Exchange

ULME is a gathering of utility representatives interested in open and frank discussion of the industry, opportunity to share real-world lessons learned, and honestly discuss what works and what doesn't in a private setting. ULME remains an informally organized utility-only group without member dues or revenue. Meetings and web presence are currently supported under agreement with PLMA. The ULME Steering Committee Member are Brian Doyle, Xcel Energy; Mike Smith, National Grid; Julie Cain, CPS Energy, and Dave Erickson, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative.

Planning Groups:

Conference Planning Group
This Group selects the format, topics, and presenters for PLMA's twice-annual conferences.

Education Planning Group
Co-chaired by Paul Wassink of National Grid and Kati Harper of Portland General Electric, this Group helps to share core concepts for running DR and DER programs, including EV managed charging. The goal of PLMA’s classes is to rapidly transfer knowledge and best practices to accelerate the success of seasoned DER professionals and also that of people new to the industry. This Group is also responsible for adapting PLMA training materials to address new industry trends and methods of instruction.

Award Program Planning Group
Co-chaired by Kevin Knight of Baltimore Gas and Electric and Meg Campbell of Guidehouse, this Group oversees the nominations and judging process for PLMA's annual awards presentation.