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Dialogue: Load Flexibility and Decarbonization Efforts: A look at Pepco’s Climate Solutions 5-Year Action Plan
Thursday, August 11, 2022, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Category: PLMA Load Management Dialogue

PLMA Load Management Leadership
Load Management Dialogue

PLMA Load Management Dialogue

Join Us for:
Load Flexibility and Decarbonization Efforts: A look at Pepco’s Climate Solutions 5-Year Action Plan

Moderated by PLMA Chair Rich Barone
Featuring: Ryan Hledik of The Brattle Group and Pearl Donohoo-Vallett of Pepco
Thursday, August 11, 2022 | 12:30 to 1:30 pm ET

Washington, D.C. has established ambitious goals in the area of decarbonization. Join us for this conversation as Pepco and Brattle discuss how they assessed the impact of electrification on the Pepco DC system and explored the role of customer energy efficiency and load flexibility programs in managing system impacts. The resulting 5-Year Action Plan filed with the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia provides substantial benefits relative to the plan’s program costs.

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Meet Our Featured Speakers:

Rich Barone

Rich Barone
PLMA Chair,
TRC Companies

Ryan Hledik

Ryan Hledik
Guest Speaker,
The Brattle Group


Pearl Donohoo-Vallett

Pearl Donohoo-Vallett
Guest Speaker,
Pepco Holdings



Who Should Attend. Utility and regulatory staff as well as other energy industry organizations and vendors seeking thought leadership and insight into successful peer-selected DR/DER initiatives.

How Load Management Dialogues Work. When you register, you are welcome to submit a comment or question for our speaker(s). After brief introductions, our guest speaker(s) will each present their perspectives on the topic. Our moderator(s) will then host a Q&A discussion that includes audience participation. Following the Dialogue, you will receive a link to PLMA's Load Management Resource Center where you can see a session recording and a copy of the slides. If you are unable participate in person in the Dialogue, you can also listen to it on the PLMA Load Management Dialogues podcast, or view it on PLMA's Load Management Resource Center.