Symposium on DER Grid Services: Call for Presentations
PLMA seeks presentations for our first-ever Symposium on DER Grid Services which will be held as a partner event in conjunction with DISTRIBUTECH 2025 (March 25-27, 2025 | Dallas, TX).
The focus of PLMA's Symposium on DER Grid Services is the provision of grid services through customer-owned DERs, such as batteries, solar inverters, EVs, and others, rather than reliance on traditional generation resources alone. The Symposium will be held on Monday, March 24, 2025.
PLMA invites all energy stakeholders to consider submitting presentation proposals.
PLMA's Call for Presentation Proposals is Open from September 5 to 23, 2024 This interactive Symposium will provide opportunities for discussing collaborative efforts, approaches, and new ideas for most effectively optimizing the electric grid through the use of DR/DER programs.
Additional information available on this page: Tips for Submitting a Successful Presentation Proposal Completing your Presentation Proposal Important Note about Symposium Deadlines
Tips for Submitting a Successful Presentation Proposal
PLMA is searching for exceptional proposals from across the energy industry that explore lessons learned and experiences to date with grid resources provided through DERs, as well as knowledgeable and well-founded discussions about the unresolved challenges to widely implementing DR/DERs as grid services. PLMA highly values proposals that include participation by utilities, consumers, and other market actors. Please, no sales pitches.
Presentations of any length or style will be considered with preference for 30 to 45-minute interactive sessions, or 75-minute workshops, in which up to one third of the time is reserved for audience discussion. All topics and presenters will be considered, however PLMA especially values sessions having specific, actionable ties to flexible load management, demand response, and/or distributed energy resources, as follows:
- Utility Paths to DERs as a Grid Resource
Examples include past, present, and future experiences of individual to multi-device management, integrations between DERMS & ADMS, DSM programs, IRP Regulatory conversations, and similar.
- Progressive Program / Market Examples
Examples include FERC 2222, ERCOT ADER, the Arizona DER Aggregation Tariff, the Connecticut Grid Flexibility Marketplace, New York's Non-Wires Alternatives, and similar.
Differentiating or Aligning Value Streams Examples include addressing double-counting incentives and/or impacts, and determining precedence for event and command use cases or callers, and similar.
Retail Incentive Design Examples Examples include tariffs, enrollment/participation rebates, performance-based incentives/penalties, third-party risk/reward sharing, financed/on-bill installation, and similar.
Breaking Down Internal and/or External Silos Examples include story telling about cross-department utility initiatives, effective stakeholder engagement on regulatory topics, novel partnerships that enabled scale, and similar.
Completing your Presentation Proposal:
PLMA's submission form requests information about your presenters, your topic, its relevance to PLMA's Symposium audience, and your intended learning objectives.
Proposal acceptance decisions will be made by PLMA's Strategic Initiative A Taskforce on October 7, 2024.
If your proposal is selected, the presenters you identified will receive an invitation to present at the PLMA Symposium on DER Grid Services, together with a discounted registration code. To confirm their acceptance to speak, all presenters MUST register for, and plan to attend the Symposium.
Presenters are responsible for their own conference registration costs, travel, and if applicable, hotel expenses.
All presenters must agree to comply with the PLMA Presenter Policy and Code of Conduct.
Important Note about Symposium Deadlines
PLMA deeply appreciates the best efforts of all Symposium participants to adhere to all event deadlines, which makes it possible for PLMA to complete the event planning process accurately and on-schedule without significantly over-taxing our volunteer leaders and staff.
As such, ensuring your session proposal is presented at the Symposium is conditional upon meeting the speaker deadlines listed below. Missing these deadlines, or being unresponsive to PLMA staff requests, will unfortunately result in the removal of your session from the agenda.
- November 1: All speakers and co-presenters must be registered to attend the Symposium.
- December 1: A current speaker bio and headshot portrait must have been sent to Monica Hammond.
- March 4: All draft slides must have been submitted for review to the Symposium Co-Chairs and PLMA Staff.
- March 11: All rehearsals and presentations must have been practiced, reviewed, and finalized.
Deadline to Submit: Monday, September 23, 12:00 pm PT