3 Examples of How Demand Response Is Morphing as a Grid Resource

Demand response is shifting from one-off events to targeted solutions for daily grid operations.

April 14, 2017 by Elta Kolo, GTM

As utilities and grid operators face new flexibility challenges, demand response is more important than ever. Applications for demand-side resources are evolving as a result.

There are a handful of themes emerging from the industry worth exploring: a strong focus on customer engagement; a growing array of demand response resources; an increased focus on non-wires alternatives to infrastructure; and the slow progress when turning pilots into commercial programs.

A community of thought leaders, utilities, consultants and vendors in demand response came together last week at the Peak Load Management Alliance conference last week to talk through some of those themes. Below, we offer some insight into how different players are grappling with them.

[remainder of article at https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/how-demand-response-meets-the-grid-edge]